Reading 07

 Reading 07

This week we were tasked with reading and reviewing thematic paragraphs from our peers. I was not assigned a group to review and due to my own fault I forgot to mention this to my lecturer as I was ill the whole week. Therefore I will be reviewing my own work and looking at what I need to improve on regardless on whether it counts as participation in this weeks reading assignment.

(A screenshot of my Reading 06 task)

Looking through my previous blog post I was able to identify elements that certainly needs to be improved upon in my future work. I found that my work was, in my opinion, very messy and needed to be more precise. I noted that I might be too lax when it comes to citation and that I should add more context to who the writers of the original papers are as I need to stay clear of any chance that I might be plagiarizing my work (Which I am not in any way).

I noted that I should review how my work shows up on the site due to some of the work being whited out on the website for some unknown reason when that work is not different to the rest of my writings in any shape or form.

(My Thematic Review work being visible in the writing stage)

(My Thematic Review work being invisible in the posted stage)

I was able to fix this issue but it just goes to show that I have not been that attentive to my work lately and I really need to do better moving forward.

As I write more I'm sure I'll be further able to see problems with my work and will be able to correct them in order to come up with a more precise final paper which is both informative and has academically accepted writing.


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