Doing Reading 09

 Doing Reading 09

This weeks task was to: 
  1. Critically Read 2 of my peers work and leave detailed comments 
  2. Respond to the reviews I have received by adapting/refining my work
  3. Finalize the Check your understanding section.
I started off with reading and going through my peers work, taking note of elements I thoughts might need a bit of refining. Then I began to comment on their work making sure to add in some points I thought was very informative and pieces that I believe needing to change. This helped with my own work as I was able to see how the others wrote in their own sections and take note of words or lines I thought were good writing.

(A screenshot of our design Document)

After commenting on my peers work it was time to have a look at my own received comments and change my own writing to the critiques I received. I went through the comments that were put on my chapter and made sure to correct the areas that were lacking in accordance to the advice received by both my lecturer and my peers.

(A screenshot of my work in the google doc and the comments)

After refining the sentences I added in my "Check your understanding" quiz at the bottom.

Overall I was able to learn a good deal about proper writing for the design document thanks to this exercise and found it very informative to be able to review my peers work.


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