Do I have a Growth Mindset?

Do I have a Growth Mindset?

(Image 1: An Image of two silhouetted faces with Growth Mindset in one and Fixed Mindset in the other, both contain the characteristics of each respective title)

What even is a Growth Mindset?

A Growth Mindset is in brief terms the ability to accept failure as a natural part of learning. Not saying that you can't do something just because it's difficult but inviting the challenge of difficulty and using it to learn and grow to a better way of education.

People with a Growth Mindset keep trying and believe that even if you don't get the perfect scores in your tests or you find it hard to socialize doesn't mean you give up, it means you're learning and you just haven't got there yet.

In contrast to this, people with a Fixed Mindset feel that if they don't get it now they won't get it ever and believe that they cannot change the way they learn or look at things in order to grow and develop.

(Image 2: An Image of inspirational words)

Do I have a Growth Mindset?

If I'm being honest, before learning about Growth Mindset's I believe I was a person with a crippling, Fixed Mindset. I believed that if I couldn't do it now, I won't be able to do it ever. It's a very negative and destructive way to think in my experience, your thoughts can actually ruin your life like that.

But after watching "The power of believing that you can improve" by Carol Dweck, on TED Talks, I feel as though sticking to this frame of mind and reminding myself that it's just "not yet" could make things different for me.


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