Dreamfall: Chapters, my favourite game

Dreamfall: Chapters, my favourite game

Hiya! My name is Enoh. I'm a second year in CDM and I'm 19.

I play a lot of videogames in my spare time and I have many favourites. The type of games I like are more story-based and comedy based.

Dreamfall: Chapters 

(A group of people with unique characteristics in front of a blue and orange background)


An example of a game that I enjoy that is story-based is "Dreamfall Chapters" which is the third and final instalment of "The Longest Journey Series". I have played all these games and remember them fondly from when I was about 13 to now. All three games have an extensive story that branches out any way you would like to take it.

The gameplay although minimal is more thought-provoking. You have to work out puzzles with little to no clues. 

The story takes place between two different worlds, One of the futuristic Stark that has a controlling eye in the sky like feel akin to "1984 by George Orwell" and the second world is that of Arcadia, which is a magical medieval-styled place. 


                  (An example of Arcadia on left)                                                                                   (An example of Stark on the right)
(An image of a giant woman in front of a smaller woman)                                                           (An image of a robot in front of a woman)

(https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2                                                                           ( https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2
                                                                                                                                    &cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCND2tbnrjuwCFQAAAAAdAAAAABA4    )                                          

                    In the game, you take control of two characters from each world Zoe and Kian and as you play you see their stories slowly intertwine into a large overarching plot.

I enjoy the story of the game more so than the gameplay of the game and because of this, I will post another favourite game post that focuses more on the gameplay aspect.


  1. Hi Enoh,
    That game looks very fun. I love concepts that include to worlds i think it really opens up another part of reality and makes one question what other worlds are like. The story also seems very thought through and interesting, I will defo be watching some vids of the game it seems very good, maybe even play it who knows.


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